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The Founder and Chief Executive Officer,
Irene Ford

Hello, My name is Irene and I am the founder and CEO of Empire Beauty. I am extremely honored to be able to share the back story of my beauty empire with you. Make-up and fashion has always been a major part of me. I studied the good and bad in most cosmetic and skincare products in my early career and just continued thereon. In fact my initial major was nursing, I always knew I wanted to help others but never got a complete grip of how that would play out. I love the holistic and natural way of life, it fascinates me in how natural remedies can cure major situations. With that being said, I took the leap of faith and invested in creating an environment that will showcase just that. I want to show others that natural living is so pure and worth the journey. I want to show those who struggle with loving themselves that true love is found from within. Makeup and/or amazing skin can be an amazing tool to boost the self confidence in an individual. "When you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you do good." Every product I have created and will create shares a true meaning to it. My dream is to reach all parts of the world with my knowledge and passion for natural beauty products.


 On my spare time I work a full-time position and attending school for my B.S in business, I am a mother of two beautiful girls who also are divas of the fashion world. I enjoy working out and self searching while getting closer to our lord and savior. I value each moment and try to capture every second with a moment to learn. I am excited for the future and so blessed to be able to have you as a life long client.


" If there is anything in this world you do before you leave this earth, it is to leave a print that you were once here."

Founder: Meet the Team

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